STRONG B.A.N.D.S. – STRONG Balance, Activity, Nutrition, Determination and Strength – promotes healthy, active lifestyles for Army communities. It helps motivate Army Soldiers, Families, Retirees and Civilians to get and stay fit.
Get involved at our garrison events from Apr 29 - Jun 2!
Commit to Staying Fit! Strong B.A.N.D.S. is back!
Week 1: Balance
On May 2, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., join the RB Fitness Center for the Rowing Competition. Enter to win Personal Training session. Must have competed in Rowing Competition.
Kick of Strong B.A.N.D.S. with Stuttgart Family & MWR Sports & Fitness at the Panzer Main Exchange on May 4! Spin the wheel for fitness trivia, sign up for Rock the 80s, and enter a chance to win a Personal Training session. Learn about fitness opportunities in the community to help you find your balance.
Week 2: Activity
Join us at the Kelley Fitness Center on May 8 at 5:30 p.m. for Zumba! This exciting class will make you dance the night away as we increase our activity together.
Week 3: Nutrition
Join us on May 18 for the Rock the 80s Pump & Run. Patch Fitness Center. Cool shirts, cool medals, and lots of fun! Nourish yourself with the bananas provided at the run.
Week 4: Determination
May 22, 9:30 a.m. – Spin 30 at the Kelley Fitness Center. Find your determination as you climb heavy hills on the bike. Enter to win Personal Training session.
Week 5: Strength
Join us on May 30, at 9:15 a.m. at the Panzer Fitness Center for Yoga for Strength & Mobility. Class of 2024 parents just watched their babies graduate the day before, join us for a class to find your strength (it’s ok to cry on the mat). Enter to win personal training session.