- Pre-Order VAT Forms
Tired of waiting in line? Try our Pre-Order VAT form service. You can have your VAT forms ready for pick-up at the VAT Office or mailed to your APO address.
First, you must be registered with the Stuttgart VAT Office, please visit our office to register.
How to Pre-Order:
To pre-order by phone:
1. Call the VAT Office DSN 596-3678 / CIV 09641-70-596-3678
2. Provide:
- Name (Sponsor)
- DODID# of Sponsor
- Number VAT forms (NF-1 only)
- Phone number
- Credit Card Information
- CMR address
Choose pick-up at VAT Office (next day) or mail to APO address (approx. 7-10 days)
To pre-order by e-mail:
1. Please E-mail Us.
2. Provide:
- Name (Sponsor)
- Number VAT forms (NF-1 only)
- Phone number
- Choose pick-up at VAT Office (next day) or mail to APO address (approx. 7-10 days)
If there are no VAT account issues (ex. suspension for unresolved VAT violations, Used VAT forms not turned in yet), the VAT Office will print the VAT forms and charge your card.
Pick-up at VAT Office
VAT forms will be available for next day pick-up.
At pick-up, customer ID will be verified, and then VAT forms & credit card receipt will be provided.
Mail to APO address
VAT forms will be prepared and mailed either same day or next business day. Mail delivery time may vary; approximately 7-10 days.
- VAT Enrollment Application
To sign up for the VAT Program (in person only).
1. Complete the application and provide to Stuttgart VAT Office.
2. Bring copy of orders.
3. Valid ID card.
4. Valid SOFA Card (Contractors only).
Individual Registration and Application for VAT Program (right click, save link, then open file)
For more information on completion of the application, please contact the VAT Office.
- VAT Overview
Germany imposes a Value-Added Tax (VAT) of either 19% or a reduced rate of 7% on most items/services purchased. This tax is similar to a sales tax in the U.S. but it is generally already added into the price. That means the sticker price already includes either the 19% or 7% VAT. The full rate of 19% is charged on most items/service. The reduced rate of 7% is charged on basic food staple items (milk, flour, eggs, etc), some magazines, books, hotel stays, etc. Some services and some used items may not include a tax that can be extracted.
Department of Defense personnel stationed in or TDY to Europe may be eligible to use the U.S. Forces Tax-Relief Program to avoid paying this tax for their personal purchases. In other words, you may be able to have the sticker price reduced by extracting the 19% or 7% VAT when making qualifying purchases through a U.S. Forces VAT Office.
International Agreements between the U.S. and Germany permit U.S. Forces to procure tax-free goods and services for eligible members. Please be aware that there are restrictions and that intentional or unintentional abuse of the program will lead to personal tax liabilities, expulsion from the program, Commander or Supervisor notification, and it may be considered punishable tax evasion.
Note: there exists NO direct entitlement to VAT relief of the individual member of the U.S. Forces! VAT relief only applies to procurements by a procurements agency of the U.S. Forces, here the VAT office. A contract shall not be concluded between the individual and the vendor as in such case VAT relief is not available.
- VAT Policies and Procedures
Knowing when, where, and how to utilize this program is important to stay out of trouble. The following are only examples and are non-conclusive. Examples of purchases where the sticker price may be reduced by extracting the 19% VAT:
- Vehicle purchases and repairs/maintenance/car parts
- Clothing
- Furniture
- Electronics
- Rental Cars
- Minor home repairs/renovations*
- Heating Oil
- Many grocery items (non-basic food staple items)
- Restaurant bills (to include breakfast in hotels)
Examples of purchases where the sticker price may be reduced by extracting the reduced 7% VAT:
- Basic grocery items (food staple items)
- Some magazines/books
- Hotel stays (extras such as breakfast are taxed at 19%)
The reduction of the sticker price occurs when an eligible U.S. Forces member presents the vendor with a valid VAT form when the order is being placed for an item or service. Processing tax-relief after an order was placed or commitment was made by the individual is not authorized.
The program is voluntary. German vendors are not required to accept VAT forms; they can opt to decline and charge the VAT. In such a case you may want to seek a different vendor.
Please note that the program makes use of 2 different VAT forms. The NF1 VAT form is for purchases of up to 2,499.99 Euros (not including VAT), of the NF2 VAT form is for purchases of 2,500 Euros or higher (not including VAT). Both forms look almost alike but the procedures to obtain them are different. Both VAT forms are available at any VAT Office in Germany for eligible US Forces members .
In order to participate in the program, a U.S. Forces member (sponsor) must establish an account at a VAT office by filling out a registration form. Bonafide members of the household may be added to the sponsor's account to also be able to make VAT exempt purchases.
VAT Offices are authorized to issue up to 10 VAT forms for purchases up to 2,499.99 Euros (not including VAT) and one VAT form at a time for purchases of 2,500 Euros or higher (not including VAT) per household.
Most Common Mistakes
A. Going Along with What Vendor States
Vendors want to conclude sales to make money. Generally,vendors are not familiar with the restrictions of the program. A number of times, vendors have told U.S. Forces members that a procedure or a transaction was authorized using the VAT forms. In reality, the vendor was acting on a lack of knowledge and the transaction ended up not being a proper tax-relief transaction. As a result the U.S. Forces member had to pay the taxes afterwards. We have seen this happening with regard to multiple transactions within a period exceeding one month (see below – only receipts within one month can be combined), claims that VAT forms can be used for cellular contracts or utilities (see below – not permitted), etc. You must observe the rules published by the U.S. Forces, rather than listening to vendor claims.
B. Collecting Receipts
Combining multiple transactions on one VAT form over a period exceeding one month is not authorized and will result in a tax debt (tax will be due). Also, the VAT form must be valid (dates) for all receipts of the combined transaction and the transaction must be finalized NLT then the last day of the one month period.
C. Wrong Amounts/Wrong form
Using an NF1 VAT form for a purchase of 2,500 Euros or higher is simply not authorized. Any purchase of 2,500 Euros or higher must be done using the NF2 procedure, which requires providing a cost estimate, cost proposal, or proforma invoice to the VAT Office before the purchase is made. If the incorrect procedure/form was used, VAT relief will not be granted and you will have to go back to the vendor to pay the taxes. In addition, you will receive a violation notice.D. Home Renovation/Repair
Purchases up to 2,499.99 Euros (not including VAT) are not reviewed until the used VAT form is returned to the VAT Office. If the VAT Office detects unauthorized repairs, VAT relief will not be granted and a violation notice will be sent to the U.S. Forces member. In such a case the U.S. Forces member will have to go back to the vendor and pay the tax. Purchase of garden sheds, green houses, car ports, windows, tiles, and a number of other items/services related to home repair/renovation are not permitted.
E. Heating Oil
Determining how much heating oil is needed to fill a tank can be difficult. Once the truck starts pumping oil into your tank, the value of the oil may go beyond the 2,499.99 limit for an NF1 form. An NF2 VAT form may, however, only be issued based on a cost estimate, prior to placing an order. That means, if the value pumped into your tank exceeds 2,499.99 Euros you will have to pay the taxes. To avoid this, you should ask the oil vendor for the per liter price (not including VAT) to calculate how many liters you can order/buy to stay within the boundaries for the NF1 VAT form. Make sure to leave a buffer for any delivery charges. A safe calculation is to only order 2,300 Euros worth of oil leaving you a 199.99 Euros buffer for any potential delivery charges.F. Order forms/Order Confirmations/Contracts/Bills of Sale – After-the-Fact Transaction
Sometimes U.S. Forces members come to VAT Offices requesting VAT forms for purchases of over 2,500 Euros and present an order form, order confirmation, contract, or bill of sale. However, if the sale has taken place already because the U.S. Forces member concluded a contract with the vendor, we are not authorized to issue VAT forms any longer. Ownership may not have been transferred and payment may not yet have been made but the documents mentioned are legal documents concluding the legal transaction. Our U.S. Forces members do not have the authority to enter into a sales transaction without having a VAT form (purchase authorization) in their hands. In other words, if you don’t have a VAT form, do not commit or sign any documents just yet. Obtain the VAT form first, only then you are authorized to make the purchase.
G. Utilities and Other Long-Term Contracts
VAT forms may not be used for any type of long-term contract such as utilities (electricity, water, natural gas, propane gas, cellular contracts, vehicle leases etc.) that exceed one month in duration. Even though you may be receiving monthly bills, the contracts many times stipulate a long-term relationship (more than one month). There have been instances where utility or cellular providers have asked to be provided with VAT forms so they could bill without taxes. If you comply with such a request, you are violating tax-relief rules, VAT relief does not apply, and you will receive a violation notice. The U.S. Forces offer a separate Utilities Tax Avoidance Program (UTAP) you may sign up for.H. Group Purchases
Group purchases are authorized when a group of eligible people (e.g. unit, wives club, etc.) wants to make a joint purchase (e.g. jointly used item, joint event or joint trip). The group as such does not hold status under the NATO-SOFA Supplementary Agreement – a VAT form cannot be issued in the group’s name. For a valid group purchase, one person must act as the organizer and obtain a VAT form in his or her name. An example would be a unit Christmas party. Provided all participants are eligible personnel, a VAT form in an individual’s name may be used for the entire event. A common mistake is that a unit signs the catering contract in November to lock-in the room/catering etc. but does not have the money collected yet to obtain the required cashier’s check and the VAT form until sometime towards the middle of December. Since the contract was signed (in November) without having obtained a VAT form beforehand, the transaction constitutes an invalid after-the-fact transaction and taxes are due. A VAT Office is not authorized to issue a VAT form for an after-the-fact transaction. The VAT form must be issued prior to signing any contracts.
I. Expired Forms
Using an expired unpriced (NF-1) or priced (NF-2). The validity of an unpriced (NF-1) is two years from the date of issuance while a priced (NF-2) has a validity of three months. The validity of both forms is shown in BLOCK 3 as "VALID ONLY FROM/TO. Using an expired form constitutes a violation of
the Tax Relief Program and will require payment of tax to the vendor on the total amount of the purchase.
J. Incomplete Forms
Missing information in block 4 (AMOUNT OF PURCHASE); blocks 7 and/or 10 (SIGNATURE); blocks 8 and/or 11 (ORDER DATE), block 12 (DESCRIPTION OF GOODS/SERVICE) and block 13 (VENDOR'S STAMP, SIGNATURE and DATE) places a block on the VAT account until the missing information is provided. The
most common error is with the vendor failing to place the stamp in block 13. Should the vendor not stamp the VAT form, then manually enter the name and address in or below block 13 before the VAT form is returned.
*Minor repairs are typical move-in/move-out expenses and/or expenses that are typically the tenant’s responsibility, regardless of whether the U.S. Forces member owns or rents the dwelling. Expenses in connection with repair or maintenance of the basic structural of a dwelling are NOT considered minor repairs. Army in Europe Regulation AER 215-6 provides more information (especially Sections 12 through 43). - Important Notes
VAT forms are controlled tax documents – not following the rules will void the tax-free status of a transaction (tax will have to be paid) and may result in loss of tax relief for the entire household and notification of your commander or supervisor.
- Vendors are generally not familiar with all the intricate tax-relief rules – a transaction may not be authorized, even though a vendor states that a transaction is valid!
- Repetitive purchases from the same vendor may be combined on one VAT form only if the transactions occur within one month, the total amount does not exceed 2,499.99 Euros, and all purchases are processed NLT the last day of that month
- The purchase or ordering must take place within the “Valid From:” and “Valid Until:” date range indicated in box 3
- The purchase may not exceed the amounts indicated on the VAT forms (NF1 up to 2,499.99 Euros, NF2 will indicate the exact purchase price)
- You must have a valid VAT form with you when placing an order or otherwise committing to a purchase. Obtaining and providing a VAT form after order placement is not permitted (e.g. when the delivery takes place or when payment is made)
- You may NOT split one purchase into several transactions by using multiple VAT forms to avoid the 2,500 Euros threshold (e.g. a couch costing 3,000 Euros may not be bought using two NF1 VAT forms by writing 2,000 Euros on one VAT form and 1,000 Euros on a second VAT form)
- You may NOT use the VAT form for a tax-free purchase for ineligible personnel
- You may NOT use VAT forms for revenue generating activities (e.g. home-based business, business as an independent contractor, buying and fixing cars for re-sale, etc.)
- You may NOT use VAT forms for buying new or used vehicles for registration in the German vehicle registration system (tax-free vehicles must be registered with USAREUR)
- You may NOT use VAT forms for any expenses related to the purchase or sale of real estate
- You may NOT use VAT forms for renovation/repair of real estate of 2,500 Euros or higher without prior IMCOM-Europe approval
- You may NOT use VAT forms for renovation/repair of real estate up to 2,499.99, unless it is considered a minor repair
- You may NOT use VAT forms for any long-term contracts (utilities, cellular contracts, vehicle leases, etc.)
- You may NOT use VAT forms for other purchases that are prohibited by AER 215-6
- You may NOT return VAT forms with false or incomplete data
- VAT Form Pricing
NF-1 VAT forms (up to 2,499.99 Euros)
Cost per form $10.00 NF-2 VAT forms (from 2,500.00 Euros and up)
Cost per form $100.00 Reprint of unused or mutilated VAT forms
Cost per form $5.00 UTAP
Cost UTAP Registration Fee $99 This fee is due upon each move or change in utilities provider.
- Important Information and Forms for Purchases
VAT Relief Program General Hand-Out
VAT Relief Program Vendor Hand-Out (English)
VAT Relief Program Vendor Hand-Out (German)
VAT Relief 2500 Euro and Higher purchases (incl. Financing)
VAT Relief Program 7-day Signup from Arrival for Lodging and Vehicle Rentals Memo
- 7-day from Arrival VAT Signup Requirement for Lodging and Vehicle Rentals
7-day Window on German Hotel Accommodations & Vehicle RentalsGerman Tax Savings using the VAT Form
Arriving on TDY or PCS? Save money on your Lodging and Vehicle Rental
If you are just arriving in country and intend to stay in a German hotel or to rent a vehicle, you can take advantage of tax savings by signing up for the VAT program. You can save the 7% taxes assessed for lodging accommodations or 19% for incidental charges in German hotels. The same applies to the 19% VAT on Vehicle Rentals. Participation by vendors is optional, they are not required to accept VAT forms. Please ask the vendors, if they are willing to accept before-hand.
Lodging & Rental Vehicles
As an exception, individuals in TDY or TLA travel status may obtain an unpriced tax-relief purchase order form (VAT form) after they acquire a rental car (e.g. at Airport) or hotel accommodations. This is only permitted within the first 7 days of arriving in Germany. A copy of their travel orders must be presented to the Tax Relief Office (TRO) as evidence that they have just arrived in the command and were unable to obtain tax-relief documents before. TROs will keep copies of individual travel documents in order to document and justify after-the-fact, tax-exempt rental car or lodging rental services.
IMPORTANT: The “7-day Grace Period” to sign-up for the VAT program and submission of your VAT form to the hotel or rental car agency “retroactively” applies only to the first 7 days of arrival in country and only if the vendor is willing to accept the form. After the 7-day Grace Period” has expired, VAT forms may only be used from the issue date forward until their expiration date.
Obtaining a VAT form after an order has been placed is not authorized (the order date is the key date, NOT the day the product or service is ready, or when payment is made). That means do NOT sign a bill of sale, PO, offer, etc, do not make a down-payment without the valid VAT form in your hands. The valid Tax-relief form must be in your hands when placing the order (not when paying or receiving the product/service). The only permissible exception is the 7-day grace period described above.
Do NOT conduct Split Purchases
Splitting invoice amounts between two or more unpriced purchase orders (NF-1 – under €2500 form) to avoid using a priced purchase order (€2500 or higher form) for a total purchase amount of €2,500 or more (not per item but the entire total purchase from one vendor on one day) is not authorized. Any time the total purchase amount is €2500 or higher (without tax) from one vendor on one day, US Forces members are required to use the NF2 purchase procedure with a prior cost estimate. Example: if your total purchase amount from one vendor on one day (not per item but the grand total for all items) is €3200 without tax, then do not use one VAT form for €2400 for some of the items and a second VAT form for €800 for the remaining items.
Hotel/TLA stays exceeding €2499.99
The maximum purchase amount of VAT relief forms for all rooms combined must be observed (max. total per form €2499.99). Prior to reaching this max. amount, the quarantined individual must check-out and have a final check-out bill generated. He/she can then check back in to start the next €2499.99 purchase period (again, all rooms may not exceed €2499.99 max on the next form). (see AER 215-6, Section 24).
POC: your local VAT office or Rafael Wunsch, IMCOM-Europe, Tax Relief Program Manager, DSN 544-9888, Com:0611-143-544-9888, Email: rafael.s.wunsch.naf@mail.mil.
Stuttgart Tax Relief Office:
Panzer Kaserne, Building 2915
DSN: 314-596-3368 or DSN: 314-431-3368
Civ: (+49) (0)9641-70-596-3368 or (+49) (0)7031-153368

VAT forms can be purchased by visiting the VAT office in Bldg. 2915, 3rd Floor, Panzer Kaserne.
Please visit the UTAP page for more savings information.