An official army family and MWR Site

Home Based Business

Home Based Businesses (HBBs) are an important contributor to Army Family quality of life – new changes to procedures makes it easier and quicker gain approval to operate an on-post HBB.

HBBs allow Families to work from their Army quarters, developing rewarding careers that follow them through PCS moves. The wide span of HBBs operated by Army Families includes:

  • Car repair/service
  • Hairdressing and hairstyling
  • Pet grooming and pet sitting
  • Massage therapy
  • Retail sales from home

HBB owners need to obtain approval from the garrison commander or senior commander. We’ve recently streamlined the process to make it quicker and easier.

Get approved TODAY!

If you operate an HBB on post and aren’t yet approved, now’s the time to get official.

  • We’ve recently streamlined processes, so they’re easier than ever. You can get approved within 60 days.
  • Moving your HBB from another installation? If you were approved there, the process is even easier!
  • New Army guidance directs installations to “find a way to say yes” to HBB owners – so we’re prepared to make this easy for you.
  • Official on-post offerings from AAFES, the Commissary and MWR no longer consider HBBs competition, and you don’t have to gain their approval.
  • Operating an HBB from your quarters without approval can violate policy and get you in trouble.

Don’t delay. Get your Home-Based Business registered today by contacting ACS!

HBB Approval Process

Home Based Business approval is quick and easy!

The Army’s new standardized HBB application template streamlines the approval process.  Of course, installations are still required to adhere to local and state laws and regulations regarding home business operations, so check into those, too.

Here’s the process:   

Step 1: Obtain the HBB Application.  Visit your Family and MWR representative or go online to download your HBB application and any required additional forms.

Step 2:  Complete the Application.  This includes visiting and obtaining approval from installation agencies like the housing office and community housing manager. The application should identify the agencies but ask your Family and MWR representative if you have questions. If you need any additional documentation (like licensing or certifications), get that, too.


Step 3: Turn in the Application: Once you’ve completed your paperwork, submit the application to your Family and MWR representative. Keep a copy of the completed application for your own records.
Within 60 days, you should get notification of approval. Simple!


Additional Resources

USAG Stuttgart Home-Based Business Application Packet 

Commercial Solicitation-HBB General Legal Guidance (AER210-70)

Personal Commercial Solicitation Evaluation

List of Home-Based Businesses in USAG Stuttgart

  • Army Community Service (ACS) Annex
  • The ACS Annex is open by appointment only until further notice. Please contact ACS to make an appointment.
  • +49 09641-70-596-3362
  • Military DSN (314)-596-3362