An official army family and MWR Site

CYS Sports & Fitness

Registration Process

1. Does your child have a current Sports Physical? If not, get one scheduled.

2. Has your CYS Registration expired? Get your child registered (DSN 596-7480 or CIV 09641-70-596-7480)

3. Do you have a Webtrac account? Call to get information for online enrollment (DSN 596-7480 or CIV 09641-70-596-7480)

4. ALL SET with the first three questions? Register now at the USAG Stuttgart CYMS (Child & Youth Management System) website for the upcoming sports season.

Stay connected with us via the CYS Sports and Fitness Facebook Group

Become a Volunteer Coach

CYS Sports & Fitness is always happy to welcome new volunteer coaches into our program. Our volunteers create the core of our programs and support our community by delivering youth sports programs that benefit all the children of the garrison.

Click to find more information on Volunteers & Coaches.

Request a Field

To request a Turf field on Patch or Panzer, the Kelley Cooper Field facilities, or the Tennis courts, please fill out the form below and return them to the group email listed.

CYS Facility Request Form Tennis courts

CYS Facility Request Form Turf field

CYS Facility Request Form Kelley facilities

Youth Sports and Fitness

Sports and Fitness Programs provide team sports, individual sports, fitness and health programs and, programming at Child Development Centers, School Age and Youth Programs. Pre-registration is required for Sports and Fitness Programs. Children and youth that are currently registered in CYS can be enrolled in Sports and Fitness using WebTrac.

The National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS) has a website for evaluation of coaches. Parents have the opportunity to evaluate coaches on the NAYS website. Parents must have the coach member number to rate their coach. You can get this number from the CYS Sports and Fitness office. 

Sports Physical

A sports-specific physical must be completed annually, prior to the start of the sports season. The form must be completed with a doctor’s signature and stamp, then submitted to Parent Central Services during registration. Hint: The best time to get your child’s physical — if possible — is in July. This way, your child’s physical will be valid for all sports for one full year.

Sports' Physical

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What sports are offered?

CYS Youth Sports and Fitness offers a variety of team and individual sports, as well as camps, clinics, and various training opportunities throughout the course of the year. Sports are offered seasonally.  For a complete listing, visit USAG Stuttgart CYMS website (Child & Youth Management System).

2. Where can I find individual sports information? E.g. gymnastics, dance, karate, etc.

Gymnastics, dance, and karate are all part of the CYS SKIES program.  Individual sports offered by CYS Youth Sports and Fitness include, but are not limited to the following: tennis, golf, and bowling. This information can be found by contacting the Youth Sports office, visiting CYS online, visiting the CYS Facebook page, and by contacting or visiting the Parent Central Services office.

3. Where can I find information about current sports offered?

This information can be found by contacting the Youth Sports office, visiting CYS online at USAG Stuttgart’s Family and MWR webpage, visiting the CYS Facebook page, and by contacting or visiting the Parent Central Services office.

4. How do I sign my child up for a sport?

Initial (or pre) registration is required.  This may be completed with the Parent Central Services office located on Patch Barracks in Building 2347. You may register your child for sports by visiting the Parent Central Services office or online via USAG Stuttgart CYMS website (Child & Youth Management System).

5. What ages are eligible?

Youth Sports and Fitness offers a variety of programs for children and youth ages 3-18 years. We offer developmentally appropriate opportunities for children and youth to be engaged in individual and team sports, competitions, skill building clinics, and nutrition and health classes that foster development of life-long healthy habits. Sports programs are provided by trained CYS employees and volunteer coaches in a variety of settings including Youth Centers, Family and MWR facilities, schools, and community fields and facilities.

Age up request are possible under certain circumstances and the form can be filled out at the link and returned to the CYS Sports group mailbox. Aged-up participant will have no priority over any participants already in the program

6. Where can I get a PDF copy of the sports physical online?

Visit the Youth Sports and Fitness page on the USAG Stuttgart Family and MWR page. From here, select the CYS tab, and then the Youth Sports and Fitness link to obtain the Health Assessment/Sports Physical Form.

7. How early must my child have a physical on file before participating in a sport?

A current Health Assessment/Sports Physical, within one year of registration, is required for participating children/youth. A current health assessment/sports physical statement is required prior to the first day of the season. Health Assessments/Sports Physicals are valid for one year.

8. How can I volunteer to coach?

Contact the Youth Sports office at DSN 431-2616/2597 or CIV 07031-15-26/2597.  You can also visit the Youth Sports office at Building 3162, 2nd floor in the Panzer Kaserne housing area, or you can obtain an application at Parent Central Services on Patch Barracks in Building 2347. Once the application is complete, return it to either the Youth Sports office or Parent Central Services and wait for correspondence from CYS regarding the next step, having your fingerprints taken.

9. When do sports start for each season?

Each quarter, an information packet is distributed to Parent Central Services which lists the starting dates for all upcoming programs. The start dates will range for each season, each age group, and each sport. Reference enrollment calendar below. 

10. What is the regular fee for a sports class?

Programs offered by Youth Sports and Fitness range in price from $25-140, depending on the age of the child and the program. The fees are standardized for the Army and set by IMCOM. Developmental sports for youth ages 3 – 4 are $30, and the remainder of the sports and groups are separated by category.  
Category A Sports (soccer, flag football, cheerleading, basketball, volleyball, and track & field) are $65. Category B Sports (baseball, softball, and wrestling) are $65.  Category C Sports (tackle football, lacrosse, golf, and tennis) are locally determined and will cost between $75 - $140.  

For more information, refer to the Standard Cost Fee Structure by school year.

More Child & Youth Services


Stuttgart Youth Newcomers Orientation

Calling all new Stuttgart adventurers youth members (6th-12th grade)!

Mar 31 8:30 am - 4 pm

CYS Recruitment Fair

Join us at the In-Person CYS Recruitment Fair and take the first step towards an exciting professional journey!

Apr 8 10 am - 1 pm

CYS Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting

Join us and enrich your knowledge of CYS programs, activities, highlights, and more!

Apr 9 5:30 pm

CYS Babysitters Course

Join CYS Babysitter Training Course to build essential skills and knowledge for quality childcare!

Apr 14 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

CYS Spring Fest 2025

Join us for the 2025 CYS Spring Fest in celebration of the Month of the Military Child!

Apr 26 10 am - 2 pm

CYS Spring Fest 2025

Join us for the 2025 CYS Spring Fest in celebration of the Month of the Military Child!

Apr 26 10 am - 2 pm

HUB Summer Camp 2025

Join us for a season of fun, learning, and adventure!

Jun 16

Middle School/Teen Field Trips 2025

Pack your bags for the summer fun!

Jun 16