- Unit & Private Organization Tournament Package
The golf course offers a special unit (or PO) tournament package that includes green fees, golf carts and range balls. The unit tournaments are offered a generous discounted price and are available for any Friday morning, normally using a shotgun start. Tournament must have at least 20 players to qualify for the discount. Unit or PO’s should contact the pro shop to book their event. The course staff can assist the tournament POC in all aspects of operating the event.
· All participants ride in carts ($19 value).
· Registration and Scoring room set-up with tables and chairs.
· Welcome and course rules announcement by golf course staff.
· Tee times start as early as 7 a.m. and no later than 8:30 a.m.
· Unlimited free-range balls from 90 minutes before event start.
· One complimentary greens fee for every 20 participants (to be used after the day of the event).
· Two complimentary golf cars for tournament POC or volunteers during the event.
1. Tournament staff (nor the players) may not bring their own food or drinks.
2. Food & beverage must be coordinated with Golf Course Restaurant.
3. Rental clubs must be purchased for each golf cart (2 players may split a set); the price is $14 per set.
4. Friday mornings have been reserved for these events.
5. For fundraising or Private Org tournaments, the POC must get Garrison Commander approval.
Package price per person, weekdays only:
E1-E5 $35
All Others $43
- Event Planning Guide
Review the planning guide
Read through the planning guide to understand the requirements and policies of the Stuttgart Golf Course. -
Pick a date
Choose a date as soon as possible that will suit your participants, then call the Stuttgart Golf Course manager for availability at 07141-879-150. -
Fill out the required paperwork
Obtain paperwork from management, such as Charity Event approval form which requires Garrison Commanader approval. -
Review outing packages/upgrades
Consider your goals and budget to help determine which package is best for your event. Don't forget the food piece. -
Make sure you have active, aggressive "recruiters" for your event. Remember that the more golfers you have, the more your operating budget will be and the more fun everyone will have! -
Communicate to golf course staff at least 10 days before the event on how many players you have signed up, then again at 7 days, 3 days and day before.
The purpose of this planning guide is to assist organizational event coordinators. Experience has proven that organizational events allow for unit morale building and is an excellent means to introduce military personnel to the sport of golf. Many first time participants gain sufficient interest to continue with the sport.
Golf courses have unique operational and maintenance requirements associated with facility use by persons of different skill levels. Those "first timers" or beginners could easily impose upon other golfers without being aware of it. To allow for maximum activity utilization and help prevent costly or irrepairable damage, there are some requirements we ask you to consider prior to requesting approval for organizational golf tournaments.
- Tournaments are not routinely approved during periods of peak use (weekends and holidays). Stuttgart Golf Course has reserved most Friday mornings for ID cardholder events, whether military or civilian.
- Tournaments may not be used to raise funds for units or charities without approval of the Commander of USAG Stuttgart.
- All food and beverages must be purchased through the Stuttgart Golf Course Restaurant. "Bring your own food" and personal coolers are not permitted.
- Tournament participation with less than 50 players warrants only partial closure of the golf course for the event. Groups with less than 50 players are welcome and will be sent out using a "jet-start" - teeing off on #1, 18, 17, 16, etc so that all players make the turn through #1 as quickly as possible, opening the course for regular play.
- Event coordinators must accept responsibility for ensuring that those new to golf are aware of basic golf etiquette. This includes replacing divots, repairing ball marks, keeping carts away from tees and greens, etc. To aid in providing this necessary information to participants, the coordinator or golf course staff will provide a briefing for all participants prior to teeing off. Please allow time for this 10 minute briefing when planning the start time of your event.
- The Stuttgart Golf Course dress code requires proper (spikeless) golf shoes or sneakers. Bare feet, sandals, and boots are inappropriate. Shirts with collars are preferred. Undergarment t-shirts are not acceptable. Shirtless is unacceptable. Tank tops, sleeveless, mesh, halter tops, swim suit tops are unacceptable. Trousers and shorts should be hemmed, no cut-offs.
To reserve an event, contact the Stuttgart Golf Course or marco.m.spellacy.naf@mail.mil
Commercial: +49 (0)714-187-9151
- 5 Steps to a Memorable Event
Review the planning guide
Read through the planning guide to understand the requirements and policies of the Stuttgart Golf Course. -
Pick a date
Choose a date as soon as possible that will suit your participants, then call the Stuttgart Golf Course manager for availability at 07141-879-150. -
Fill out the required paperwork
Obtain paperwork from management, such as Charity Event approval form which requires Garrison Commanader approval. -
Review outing packages/upgrades
Consider your goals and budget to help determine which package is best for your event. Don't forget the food piece. -
Make sure you have active, aggressive "recruiters" for your event. Remember that the more golfers you have, the more your operating budget will be and the more fun everyone will have! -
Communicate to golf course staff at least 10 days before the event on how many players you have signed up, then again at 7 days, 3 days and day before.
Built in 1956, the Stuttgart Golf Course is a 7,070 yard, 18-hole championship course, situated on 300 acres of tree lined and gently rolling hills. The course features generously wide fairways and large undulated greens in outstanding condition. A wide array of practice facilities is available to include a large driving range, two putting greens and separate pitching and chipping greens. The facility has 65 electric golf cars for rent, as well as 3-wheel pushcarts and rental sets.