- Career exploration
- Resume writing
- Interviewing techniques
- Dressing for success
- Networking
- Entrepreneurship
- Individual career assessment and counseling
- Additional Resources
(Government Links)
- Army Spouse Employment, Career and Education Resource Links: a good place start investigating employment options
- Military Spouse Education & Career Opportunities (MySECO): education and career guidance for military spouses
- Military OneSource Spouse Education and Employment: a source for trustworthy guidance on entering the workforce
- The Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP): Military OneSource’s portal to connect spouses and employers
- USAjobs.gov: the Federal Government’s employment portal
- Home Based Business (HBB): options for businesses that operate from on-post quarters
- The U.S. Department of Labor: transition assistance and employment preparation for military spouses
(Non-Government, No Endorsement Implied)
- The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Hiring Our Heroes: An initiative that assists veterans, transitioning service members, and military spouses find meaningful employment.
Employment Readiness Program (ERP) provides information and referral services on employment, education, training, transition, and volunteer opportunities to give Family members the competitive edge needed to secure meaningful employment. ERP offers up-to-date information on available employment opportunities, market and job trends, education, and volunteer resources to help individuals make informed decisions when seeking employment. Services offered by the ERP include classes and seminars related to employment:
EURCIVJobs is a self-service resume tool that allows hiring managers to identify talent within the European theater. It provides a more direct avenue for spouses, family members and veterans residing in the area to share their career interests. EURCIVJobs does not replace traditional recruitment through USAJobs, but helps provide hiring managers with another option to fill current and future vacancies. CLICK HERE to access EURCIVJobs.
For more information regarding employment or training opportunities please contact your ACS location or visit https://vmis.armyfamilywebportal.com/.