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Warrior Adventure Quest

The Warrior Adventure Quest (WAQ) is an approved fully funded resiliency training program for any USAG Stuttgart Army unit. WAQ is designed to re-create the adrenaline rush of combat action in a supervised, controlled, high adventure activity which is supervised by Outdoor Recreation staff.

WAQ instills cohesion, builds teamwork, and maintains combat readiness through high-adventure activities. This program enables Soldiers to reach a “new stage of normal” by diminishing boredom and high-risk behavior, through outdoor recreation and a Leader – Led After Action Debriefing L-LAAD.

WAQ is offered at no cost to units. All units are now eligible for participation. Non-deploying units can attend once a year. Units within 120 days prior to a deployment or 120 days after a deployment may attend during that time frame. Funding will be provided upon successful completion of the activity and fulfillment of Post-Activity Survey.

 All WAQ activities will take place on weekdays, during regular duty hours. This program is not to be confused as a free recreation day. Please do not schedule a WAQ activity day in conjunction with any other event i.e. unit organization day, FRG gathering, family days, Army birthday, promotion ceremonies, bake sales, etc. Distractions like these will cause the activity day to be canceled.

Outdoor Recreation offers the following programs for WAQ:

  • Paintball (Indoor & Outdoor)
  • Indoor Rock Climbing with belay class
  • Discover Scuba (Intro course)
  • Axe Throwing
  • Go-karting
  • Archery
  • Challenge Course
  • and more!

How to get your Unit involved:

  • Call or stop by Outdoor Recreation and speak with the WAQ Manager.
  • Unit leadership (Squad leader, NCOIC, OIC, Commander, Chaplin, etc.) sets up who will be present the day of the activity. 
  • Program must take place on weekday during regular duty hours. 

Required forms:

Activity Request Form and WAQ Roster Form.

Registration Information

Signup at Outdoor Recreation. 

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Family Paintball

Enjoy a fun day with your family and Outdoor Recreation.

Aug 3 8 am - 4 pm

Merkel-Haenel Factory Tour

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Aug 6

Outdoor Rec Cycling Challenge

Outdoor Rec Cycling Challenge - You think you can ride 1000km to earn a cycling jersey? Challenge yourself and find out! Registration at your ODR Center begins in April, challenge runs from May 1 - August 31.

Outdoor Rec Cycling Challenge

Outdoor Rec Cycling Challenge - You think you can ride 1000km to earn a cycling jersey? Challenge yourself and find out! Registration at your ODR Center begins in April, challenge runs from May 1 - August 31.


Summer Flea Market

Sign up for a table, or just come, shop, and enjoy!

Aug 17 10 am - 2 pm

Summer Flea Market

Sign up for a table, or just come, shop, and enjoy!

Aug 17 10 am - 2 pm