NAF Warehouse Sale
Sep 18 2020, 10 am - 5 pm
Sep 18 2020, 10 am - 5 pm
Family and MWR has used fitness equipment and flat screen TVs for sale at record low prices on Friday, Sep. 18 from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- $300 for stationary bikes and rowers
- $5 for 32" Phillips flat screen TVs
- $70 - $100 for assorted dumbbells (from 55-100 lbs)
All items must be picked up from the warehouse by 5 p.m. on Sep. 18.
Warehouse is located on the Stuttgart Army Airfield, Bldg. 3214.
COVID sale rules apply:
- Everyone must wear masks while on the property
- Only 5 people allowed in the facility at one time
- Sanitize hands before entering facility
- Try to maintain 6 feet of social distancing
- All sales must be credit card only
For more information, call DSN 596-3303 or CIV 09641-70-596-3303.