CYS Parents' Night Out
Let us take care of the little ones while you enjoy a wonderful night!

Mar 21 2025, 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Mar 21 2025, 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Looking to have a memorable night with your friends or loved ones? It's time to treat yourself to a well-deserved, unforgettable night. Take advantage of the CYS Parents' Day & Night Out Events!
At CYS, we recognize the importance of adult quality-time, and we are thrilled to host your children at our respective CYS Facilities while parents enjoy a fabulous time on their own! Drop your children and let them enjoy a fun-filled evening with dinner, games, activities and friends.
* Please contact Parent & Outreach Services for more details about the scheduled events.
$32 per child
Registration Information
Stop by Parent & Outreach Services at Patch Barracks to register for this event in person*.
Registration starts on:
📆 Feb. 3 - for the Parents Night Out on Friday, Mar. 21, hosted by the Kelley CDC/SAC
*Registration for Mar. 21 is CLOSED.
📆 Oct. 1 - for the Parents Night Out on Friday, Nov. 7, hosted by the Patch CDC/SAC
* Space is available on a first come first served basis.
Target Audience: All families with CDC/SAC Age Children. Must be registered with CYS PRIOR to enrollment in special openings/events.
* CYS recommends registering your child(en) with Parent & Outreach Services 60 days prior to desired event to ensure all required documentation is in place at the time of enrollment.
Parent & Outreach Services-
Parent & Outreach Services
Military DSN (314)596-7480
About CYS Services
Military DSN (314)596-7480